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Customized Magnesium Oxide Boards with Added Rice Husk Powder

To introduce unique product features or enhance performance, some clients opt to modify the formula by incorporating functional catalysts or edible additives. For example, a client requested the addition of rice husk powder to the formula. In our formulation experiments, we found that adding wood powder or rice husk powder is feasible and can enhance the toughness of magnesium oxide boards. Furthermore, incorporating rice husk powder aligns with environmental and sustainability standards.
Here’s the process we follow for such customizations:
1.Formulation and Mixing: We carefully blend the raw materials, including the specified amount of rice husk powder.
2.Forming and Curing: The mixture is then formed into boards and cured.
3.Testing and Evaluation: After an appropriate curing period, we conduct a series of performance tests on the finished product, including fire resistance, water absorption rate, and flexural strength.
4.Meeting Client Requirements: Only after ensuring that all performance parameters meet the client's requirements do we proceed with mass production.
This meticulous process ensures that the customized magnesium oxide boards with added rice husk powder not only meet but exceed customer expectations, while also promoting eco-friendliness and sustainability.

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Post time: May-27-2024