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Installation Issues of MgO Panels

While MgO panels have many advantages, there can still be challenges during installation. Understanding these potential issues and taking preventive measures in advance can ensure a smooth installation process.

1. Cutting and Drilling

Issue: Although MgO panels can be cut and drilled using standard woodworking tools, their high hardness can result in more dust and debris during the cutting and drilling process.

Solution: Use high-quality cutting tools, such as electric saws with diamond blades, to reduce dust and debris. Additionally, wear appropriate protective gear, such as dust masks and safety goggles, to protect your health.

2. Panel Fixing

Issue: When fixing MgO panels, you might encounter issues with nails or screws slipping or failing to hold securely, especially in areas with heavy loads.

Solution: Use specialized screws or nails designed for MgO panels, and pre-drill holes before installation. Additionally, apply construction adhesive to the back of the panels to increase the stability of the fixing.

3. Seam Treatment

Issue: If the seams are not treated properly, gaps or looseness might occur between the MgO panels, affecting the overall appearance and structural stability.

Solution: Use high-quality seam sealant at the joints and sand and smooth the seams after drying. Ensure even seam treatment to prevent cracks from appearing later.

4. Surface Treatment

Issue: The smooth surface of MgO panels can cause issues with paint or wallpaper adhesion.

Solution: Before painting or applying wallpaper, treat the surface of the MgO panels appropriately, such as sanding or using a primer to improve adhesion. Choose paint or wallpaper adhesive suitable for MgO panels to ensure long-lasting surface treatment.

5. Panel Transportation and Storage

Issue: Improper handling during transportation and storage can expose MgO panels to moisture, impacts, or pressure, causing damage to the panels.

Solution: Use waterproof packaging when transporting and storing MgO panels, and store the panels flat or vertically to avoid moisture and deformation. Ensure the storage environment is dry and avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures.

By understanding and addressing these common issues in advance, you can ensure a smooth installation process for MgO panels and fully leverage their excellent performance and benefits.

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Post time: Jun-21-2024