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Light & High Strength Performance of MgO Boards

Light & High Strength: Low density, high strength, high toughness & impact resistance

MgO boards are a type of high-strength building material, with a bending strength 2 to 3 times that of ordinary 425 Portland cement at the same density. This gives MgO boards significant advantages in construction applications, providing higher strength and durability while reducing the overall weight of structures.

Application Scenarios

Building Walls and Ceilings: Due to their light and high strength properties, MgO boards are ideal for use in building walls and ceilings. Their low density reduces the overall weight of the structure, while their high strength and toughness ensure stability and safety. MgO boards also have excellent impact resistance, allowing them to withstand external forces without damage, making them particularly effective in high-traffic areas such as schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings.

Flooring and Partitions: The high bending strength and toughness of MgO boards make them an ideal choice for flooring and partitions. These applications require materials that can withstand heavy loads and frequent use, and MgO boards' high strength and durability meet these demands. Additionally, the impact resistance of MgO boards ensures they remain in good condition, avoiding cracks and damage over time.

Exterior Walls and Roofs: The lightweight nature of MgO boards makes them an excellent choice for exterior walls and roofs. The reduced weight lessens the pressure on the building foundation, while the high strength provides the necessary structural support. MgO boards also offer excellent weather resistance and fire resistance, maintaining stability and safety in various climatic conditions.


The light and high strength performance of MgO boards offers multiple advantages for modern construction. Their low density, high strength, impact resistance, and toughness make them outstanding in various building applications, enhancing overall building performance and ensuring safety and reliability during use. As the demand for high-performance and sustainable materials continues to grow in the construction industry, MgO boards will play an increasingly important role in future building projects.

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Post time: Jun-14-2024