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Second Discussion on Deformation Issues of Magnesium Oxide MGO Board

In our previous discussion, we mentioned that stacking finished magnesium oxide MGO boards or laminated magnesium oxide MGO boards face-to-face can prevent deformation issues. Additionally, once installed on the wall, the deformation force of magnesium oxide MGO boards is much less than the force securing the boards, ensuring that the walls remain unaffected.

However, if a board's raw material proportions are not properly controlled during production, or if the moisture evaporation time is not managed well during curing, the use of substandard magnesium oxide MGO boards will exacerbate the deformation force over time. This is particularly problematic after installation, where poor adhesion or inadequate fastening can lead to board deformation or even cracking, potentially compromising the wall's structure and causing severe consequences. Therefore, we conduct strict quality inspections at every stage of magnesium oxide MGO board production to ensure that each board that leaves the factory can be used with confidence once installed.

By maintaining rigorous quality control, we can guarantee that every magnesium oxide MGO board remains stable and reliable, providing peace of mind for our customers.


Post time: Jun-12-2024