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Superior Performance and Wide Application of Magnesium Oxide Boards

1. Good Workability: Can be nailed, sawed & drilled

Magnesium oxide boards have excellent workability, allowing easy operations such as nailing, sawing, and drilling. This flexibility makes magnesium oxide boards widely applicable in various construction projects, whether it's complex architectural designs or simple installation needs, magnesium oxide boards can handle it all.

2. Wide Application: Best choice for fabricated interior & exterior decoration, steel structure fireproof sheathing

Magnesium oxide boards are the best choice for interior and exterior decoration and steel structure fireproof sheathing. They can be widely used in interior wall, ceiling, and floor applications, as well as exterior walls and light and heavy steel structure fireproof panels. Their wide application range meets various construction needs, providing excellent fireproofing and decorative effects.

3. Customized: Physical & chemical properties can be customized according to different application requirements

Strong customization is one of the main application advantages of magnesium oxide boards. Their strength, toughness, density, and water absorption can be customized according to different application scenarios. This high level of customization allows magnesium oxide boards to provide optimal performance in various specific applications, meeting the unique requirements of clients.

4. Durability & Long Life: According to the cement board test calibration and test method of the Australia standard, the softening coefficient of the board after 25 dry and wet cycles and 50 freeze-thaw cycles is still above 0.95, and the warm water performance test is still above 0.85.

Magnesium oxide boards are highly durable and long-lasting. According to the cement board test calibration and test method of the Australian standard, after undergoing 25 dry and wet cycles and 50 freeze-thaw cycles, the softening coefficient of magnesium oxide boards remains above 0.95. In the warm water performance test, the softening coefficient is still above 0.85. This indicates that magnesium oxide boards have excellent durability and can maintain stable performance even in harsh environments.

Application Scenarios

Building Decoration: Magnesium oxide boards are widely used in building decoration. They can be used for interior wall, ceiling, and floor decoration, providing a beautiful and durable surface. Their excellent fireproof performance and durability make them an ideal choice for building decoration.

Steel Structure Buildings: Magnesium oxide boards are the best material for fireproof sheathing in steel structure buildings. Their high strength and fire resistance effectively protect steel structures from fire damage, while their lightweight nature does not add extra burden to the building.

Customized Applications: The customization capability of magnesium oxide boards makes them excel in various specific applications. Whether for industrial uses requiring special strength or construction applications needing specific water absorption rates, magnesium oxide boards can meet these needs.


Magnesium oxide boards, with their superior workability, wide application range, customization capability, and strong durability, have become an essential material in modern construction. Whether in building decoration, steel structure fireproofing, or specific customized needs, magnesium oxide boards provide the best solutions.

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Post time: Jun-14-2024