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The Importance of Water Absorption and Moisture Content in Magnesium Oxide Boards

Are water absorption and moisture content important for magnesium oxide boards? When it comes to magnesium sulfate boards, these factors have minimal impact during installation and use. This is because the sulfate ions in magnesium sulfate boards form an inert molecular structure that does not react with water. As a result, the moisture content does not significantly affect the internal structure of the board. Similarly, the water absorption rate does not compromise the board's integrity.

Once the board is installed on the wall, the issues of water absorption and moisture content are mostly insignificant, except in very humid environments. However, for magnesium chloride boards, these factors can have a substantial impact. Consequently, the mainstream market is gradually phasing out magnesium chloride formula magnesium oxide boards.

If you have any topics you would like to discuss regarding magnesium oxide boards, we look forward to your response.

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Magnesium Oxide Boards

Post time: Jun-04-2024